OK I know that whoever reads our blog is most likely laughing at me right now because I never update it and now I am writing about a trip that we took two months ago but oh well, that's me. In June we went with Betsy and Gentry to their house in Mesquite alone with two other couples that are their friends as well. We had a great time because everyone was so funny, and we spent most of the time laughing. It was relaxing and fun because both Steve's and my parents took the kids so that there were no kids (hurray!). We ended up going to Vegas and just basically walking the strip, but because of great company it was the funniest time we have had in a long time. We made new friends and got away from life for a few day (we wished it was longer lol) so what more can u ask for. Thanks Betsy and Gentry!
Everyone having a good time eating and getting out of the heat in a really expensive restaurant lol.
We had a great time but it was about 107 degrees that night in Vegas.
What studs lol. Steve, Gentry, Ian, and Mike.